—Welcome To Right Path Recovery Home —
Our Mission here at Right Path Recovery Home is to help those in recovery from drugs and alcohol maintain a clean and healthy lifestyle. We provide a safe and sober living environment to help individuals transition and adjust to sober daily living. We strive to instill moral values, independence, accountability, responsibility and team work in all who stay with us. We encourage everyone to be their best selves and live their best possible life.
Our homes are 100% drug and alcohol free. We have a Zero tolerance policy for all of our residents, Resident Managers and House Managers. We, the staff, practice what we preach. All staff members are clean and sober. We also require all house guests to abide by our house rules and be sober while visiting our homes and residents. We feel the best way to help our residents remain sober, is by teaching by example.
All Residents within our homes
- Must be free from alcohol and drugs at all times
- Abide by the houses’ code of ethics
- Must participate in weekly meetings both inside the home and out
- Weekly House meetings
- Celebrate Recovery Meetings encouraged
- AA or NA meetings are encouraged
- Church Service is encouraged but not mandatory
- Employed Residents’ work schedules are considered when creating meeting schedules
- Are expected to keep the house clean, neat and safe
- Are to be courteous and live in mutual support and respect of one another
- Must reinforce their recovery through support of their fellow residents
- Are encouraged to voluntarily pursue activities to support their recovery either alone or with others
- Share common areas
- Share household chores
Our homes are family houses where groups of recovering individuals live together in an environment supportive of recovery from addiction. Each house is self-run and self-supported following a standardized system of rules and responsibility.
Amenities Available
- Air Conditioning and Heating
- TV
- Wifi Internet
- Onsite washers and dryers
- House bikes available to borrow for temporary transportation
- Located in quiet and safe neighborhoods
- Close to public transportation
- Walking distance to shopping centers
- Long or short term housing
- Affordable Shared Housing
- No Credit Checks required
- Utilities included
How Can Our Sober Living Home Help You?

Our sober living home is a safe environment to help you transition to a more normal sober day to day living. There is no guarantee that living in a sober living home will keep you in recovery. The more you stick to your recovery plan and follow the steps you have been striving towards, the greater your chances of staying sober and avoiding a relapse. Your recovery is in your hands. With a constant support group such as your peers, family, friends, councilors and sponsors, and all of the available resources at your disposal in our home, we hope to provide you the best possible opportunity to remain sober and in control of your life.
Why Choose Right Path Recovery Home?
At Right Path Recovery Home, we offer dedicated mens’ homes for recovering addicts and alcoholics. All of our houses are clean and well-maintained in safe communities. Community spaces and bedrooms are fully furnished. We offer short & long term housing. Rooms and amenities are shared among the other residents in the home. Here we provide a safe and encouraging environment to help all of our residence’ transition back into society.

We Help Our Residents With Many Aspects to Help Keep Them On The Right Path To True Recovery

- Job search assistance: We have tools available to help our residents find local employment as well as offer assistance with Interview Training & Resume Assistance
- Peer meetings
- We help teach accountability and responsibility
- Resources offered for local meetings & local churches
- Transportation assistance
- Local Medical facility listings
- New home relocation assistance
Contact Info
(951) 388-2158